Kiwanis Ravine Stevens is located at the end of Brygger Drive W. in Magnolia, bordering the ravine on the east side. This plot of land was purchased by the city of Seattle after being offered at a very reasonable price by the Ward Stevens family so it could be preserved as open space. A wonderful opportunity considering the plot was large enough for four homes! Before the home was torn down, it was used by firefighters to practice entering a home from the roof. It’s incredible to believe that the forest that stands before you now began from a blank slate in 2006! Discover an extensive array of native plants including high-bush cranberry, red-flowering currant, salmonberry, and Nootka rose. Several tree species occur, including Oregon white oak, also known as Garry oak, Washington’s only oak species, which is a common tree in our south prairie habitat. Planting and weeding are ongoing. Consider becoming an ambassador of this site and work whenever suits your schedule best. Contact us to learn more.