March 8, 2025
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday Work Party!
We’ll be weeding and mulching around new plantings at the Stevens site in Magnolia. Join the fun and help keep a forest growing. No experience necessary. Everyone welcome!
Get all the details at the link below!
July 13, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday Work Party!
We’re working at the Ohman site –
Map to: 36th Ave W & W Ohman Pl Seattle, WA 98199 (in Magnolia)
Volunteer with Heron Habitat Helpers as we restore forest habitat at the Ohman section of Kiwanis Ravine in Magnolia. We’ll remove weeds to help natives we’ve already planted get established, and mulch the walking path.

We have all the tools needed and will provide a light snack. recommend bringing you own full water bottle.
Stay for a while – or the whole time!
Learn more/Sign up:
May 25, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday Work Party!
We’re working at the Stevens site –
Map to: 4451 Brygger Dr W 98199 (in Magnolia)
Volunteer with Heron Habitat Helpers as we restore forest habitat for urban wildlife at the Stevens site – home to numerous bird species, amphibians, other wildlife, and an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Locks. An added benefit of re-establishing forested habitat is that long-lived trees remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by capturing carbon and holding it in their wood for hundreds of years, provided they live. That’s where we all make a difference…helping little trees survive to become giants! We’ll remove weeds to help natives we’ve planted get established, and maybe work on trails. Learn to identify some native plants and what conditions they like to grow in as we work.
For those interested – afterwards we’ll visit the heron colony and if we’re lucky, we’ll see some of the newly hatched heron chicks.
No experience necessary. All welcome.
We have all the tools needed and will provide light snacks.
Stay for a while – or the whole time!
Learn more/Sign up:
Photo by Ashley B. Harrison @seenbythesound
Volunteer Open House
Sunday, February 18, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm at Commodore Park
Last year, there were 83 active nests and approximately 160 juveniles fledged! How do we know? Drop by the colony to learn about what Heron Habitat Helpers (HHH) does to support Seattle’s largest colony of nesting great blue herons and how you can get involved.
We’re looking for enthusiastic people to adopt a habitat area to do weeding and maintenance on your own schedule, once a week, once a month, or whatever works best for you. There are 5 restoration sites in Magnolia. We will train, and can coordinate other volunteers to work with you as needed. No experience necessary. You’ll have ongoing support from our native plant and habitat restoration team.
Work with us to create and post social media content, update our website, assist at public events, work on fundraising etc…
Got skills or other ideas? Let’s chat!HHH is and always has been a 100% volunteer organization!
Help keep our forested parks healthy and make a difference to our local wildlife and our planet! No experience necessary. If you’re interested but cannot attend on this date please email us at:
[email protected]
Volunteer Open House
Saturday, February 10, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm at Commodore Park
Last year, there were 83 active nests and approximately 160 juveniles fledged! How do we know? Drop by the colony to learn about what Heron Habitat Helpers (HHH) does to support Seattle’s largest colony of nesting great blue herons and how you can get involved.
We’re looking for enthusiastic people to adopt a habitat area to do weeding and maintenance on your own schedule, once a week, once a month, or whatever works best for you. There are 5 restoration sites in Magnolia. We will train, and can coordinate other volunteers to work with you as needed. No experience necessary. You’ll have ongoing support from our native plant and habitat restoration team.
Work with us to create and post social media content, update our website, assist at public events, work on fundraising etc…
Got skills or other ideas? Let’s chat!HHH is and always has been a 100% volunteer organization!
Help keep our forested parks healthy and make a difference to our local wildlife and our planet! No experience necessary. If you’re interested but cannot attend on this date please email us at:
[email protected]
Sunday, March 5, 2023
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Volunteer Open House at Commodore Park
Drop by the colony to learn about what Heron Habitat Helpers (HHH) does to support Seattle’s largest colony of nesting great blue herons and how you can get involved.
Each season, our monitoring team observes the colony and notes what the herons are doing in each nest. Are they courting? Incubating eggs? Feeding chicks? By noting the date of these events we can learn how long it takes for an egg to hatch, the duration of nesting season, how many chicks hatch, how many fledged, and yes, how many may have been taken by predators. The more we understand, the more we can help protect the colony. This volunteer opportunity runs March until August, and takes 2-3 hours, once per week. We will train and work with you as needed. No experience necessary.
We’re looking for enthusiastic people to adopt a habitat area to do weeding and maintenance on your own schedule, once a week, once a month, or whatever works best for you. There are 5 restoration sites in Magnolia. We will train, and can coordinate other volunteers to work with you as needed. No experience necessary. You’ll have ongoing support from our native plant and habitat restoration team.
Work with us to create and post social media content, update our website, assist at public events, work on fundraising etc… Got skills or other ideas? Let’s chat!
Saturday February 18, 2023
10am – 1pm
Planting / Habitat Restoration at Ohman Place in Magnolia
June 11, 2022 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
– Second Saturday Work Party!
Meet at Commodore Park!
Volunteer with Heron Habitat Helpers as we restore forest habitat for urban wildlife in Seattle’s Kiwanis Memorial Preserve! Kiwanis Ravine is a natural ravine running between Discovery Park and the Ballard Locks, home to numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife, and it’s an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Locks. An added benefit of re-establishing forested habitat is that long-lived trees remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by capturing carbon and holding it in their wood for hundreds of years, provided they live.
That’s where we all make a difference…helping little trees survive to become giants! We’ll remove weeds to help natives we’ve planted get established, and maybe work on trails. Learn to identify some native plants and what conditions they like to grow in as we work. From the meeting spot we’ll go see the heron colony, then walk to the nearby restoration site.
No experience necessary. Learn more/Sign up:
Heron Monitor Training and Info – 2022 season
(3330 W Commodore Way, Seattle, WA 98107)
Volunteer Open House
Saturday, February 5, 2022
11:00 am – 12:30 pm at Commodore Park
3330 W Commodore Way, Seattle, WA 98107
Drop by the colony to learn about what Heron Habitat Helpers (HHH) does to support Seattle’s largest colony of nesting great blue herons and how you can get involved.
Each season, our monitoring team observes the colony and notes what the herons are doing in each nest. Are they courting? Incubating eggs? Feeding chicks? By noting the date of these events we can learn how long it takes for an egg to hatch, the duration of nesting season, how many chicks hatch, how many fledged, and yes, how many may have been taken by predators. The more we understand, the more we can help protect the colony. This volunteer opportunity runs February until August, and takes 2-3 hours, once per week. We will train and work with you as needed. No experience necessary.
We’re looking for enthusiastic people to adopt each of our 5 habitat areas to do weeding and maintenance on your own schedule, once a week, once a month, or whatever works best for you. All of our habitat areas are in Magnolia and are within walking distance of each other. We will train, and can coordinate other volunteers to work with you as needed. No experience necessary. You’ll have ongoing support from our native plant and habitat restoration team.
We kindly ask for voluntary compliance.
Be Vaccinated. Wear a Mask. Come Symptom Free.
JAN 2021 – Nesting Season is just beginning. Volunteer to Become a Heron Monitor!
Each monitor visits the colony at Commodore Park once a week for approximately 3 hours. We have the nest trees identified by letters and the nests in each tree numbered. For each nest on a typical monitoring day, we note down whether one or two herons are present and what they are doing, for example nest-building, mating, incubating, or feeding chicks. If chicks are present we note how many and estimate their ages. The season is beginning now and goes until Aug/Sept.
No previous experience necessary! We will train, no previous experience necessary. Volunteer on your own – or with a friend, it’s a great socially-distanced way to get involved, and we’re a really nice group to work with!
Contact us to learn more: [email protected]
March 14, 2020 – 9:30am-1:30pm – Second Saturday Work Party!
Meet at the parking lot at Commodore Park. Join Heron Habitat Helpers to restore forested habitats in the city’s first official wildlife refuge, Kiwanis Ravine, between Discovery Park and the Ballard Locks. We will be weeding invasives to help numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife survive in the city. We’ll have tea and light snacks too. Everyone welcome, and it’s a great opportunity to get those student service hours in. Sign up here – or just show up! Get the details and sign up at the link below!!
Wednesday, March 4 – 9:30am – Heron Monitoring Intro Workshop
Interested in becoming a volunteer heron monitor? We’re looking for enthusiastic citizen scientists to observe and record data on a large colony of great blue herons next to the Ballard Locks in Seattle. Volunteer hours will be a minimum of once/week, three hours/day over a several-month heron breeding season – March to August. No previous experience necessary. Meet at Commodore Park. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]
Nov 9 – 9:30am-1:30pm – Second Saturday Work Party!
Kiwanis Memorial Preserve – aka W Ohman Place
(4500 block of 36th Ave W Seattle 98199)
We’ll be weeding out invasive plants. Join us – we’ll have tea and light snacks too. Everyone welcome, and it’s a great opportunity to get those student service hours in. Sign up here – or just show up! Get the details and sign up at the link below!!
Oct 12 – 9:30-1:30 – Second Saturday Work Party!
Volunteer with Heron Habitat Helpers as we continue restoring habitat for urban wildlife in Seattle’s Kiwanis Memorial Preserve! Located near the west end of the ship canal, Kiwanis ravine is home to numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife, and it’s an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Ballard Locks. We will be weeding out invasive plants using hand tools and spreading woodchip mulch to help natives we’ve planted get established. We meet at Commodore Park.
Get the details and sign up at the link below!!
Volunteer Forest Stewards
Heron Habitat Helpers is looking for dedicated Volunteer Forest Stewards to assist and eventually lead restoration efforts in sites surrounding Kiwanis Ravine and in Commodore Park in Magnolia. This is a perfect opportunity for someone who already does habitat restoration but is looking for more of a leadership role, for students in environmental or native plant studies, or anyone interested in and committed to preserving urban forest.
Since 2001, Heron Habitat Helpers has been working to protect Seattle’s largest colony of great blue herons that nest near the Ballard Locks through education, advocacy, and habitat restoration.
Forest Stewards will work in conjunction with with HHH leaders. Time commitment is flexible and we are happy to work within your availability. We’re a small, friendly, easy going organization protecting and preserving urban forest for the benefit of herons, wildlife, and humans alike.
Typically, we host 4 large work parties and sporadic 2nd Saturdays throughout the year.
Interested in learning more? Please reach out at [email protected] – we’re happy to meet and give you a tour of the sites!
Saturday, April 13, 2019 • 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Celebrate Earth Month by volunteering with us!
We’ll be weeding and doing some trail clearing at the Stevens Restoration Site.
Meet at the Stevens Restoration Site
4441 Brygger Dr W, Seattle, WA 98199
From W Government Way (near the Shell Gas Station) turn north on 34th Ave W, which becomes Brygger Dr W. Follow it around an S-curve until you get to a dead-end sign and a big pile of wood chips.
There are bike paths from downtown, the ship canal, and Ballard, and if you’d like to walk from the Locks, for example, it’s 5 minutes uphill from the fish ladder to W Government Way, then go right and it’s 5 minutes following the directions above.
Parking is VERY limited on Brygger Drive. Please park along W Government Way or 34th.
No need to stay the whole time! Any volunteer hours are appreciated. Perfect opportunity to get Student Service Hours!
More info and sign up here:
Questions? [email protected]
Saturday, March 16, 2019 • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Spring Planting in Kiwanis Ravine
Help us get native plants in the ground as we continue restoring habitat in Kiwanis Ravine Wildlife Refuge! We have many established native shrubs and trees, and now we’re adding understory plants as ecological succession of the plant community proceeds. We’ll likely do some weeding of invasive species to start, then plant bunchberry, wild ginger, Oregon grape and ferns.
Kiwanis ravine is home to numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife, and it’s an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Ballard Locks. We’ll tour the colony before we begin; it’s near our meeting point.
We meet at Commodore Park on the Magnolia side of the Ballard Locks. (there is free parking)
No experience necessary. We provide all the tools needed, and a light snack.
Perfect opportunity to give back to the environment, family or office group volunteering, or get your student service hours.
Sign up here:
Questions? [email protected]
December 8 • 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Second-Saturday Restoration Work Party
Volunteer with Heron Habitat Helpers from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm as we continue restoring forested habitat in Kiwanis Ravine. Come for the whole time, or an hour or two. This month we’ll weed out invasive plants to help native plants get established. Learn to identify native and alien species and get ideas for your own backyard wildlife gardening. Kiwanis ravine is home to numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife, and it’s an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Ballard Locks.
Learn more and sign up:
Water Plants
We’re seeking volunteers to water plants at one, or more, of our three restoration sites: Commodore Park, the Overlook, or the Corridor — all of which are in Magnolia. We’ll show you how, then you choose the day and time that works best for you. We’re flexible, and it’s no problem if you have to miss once in a while. Contact us at [email protected]
July 14 – Second-Saturday Restoration Work Party
Join us on July 14 from 9am – 1pm for a second-Saturday restoration work party. We meet at Commodore Park. No experience necessary. Get more info, grab a friend or 5 and and sign up here:
Become a heron monitor!
(Closed for 2018 but contact us about next year, Feb 2019)
We’re looking for enthusiastic citizen scientists who will volunteer to observe and record data on a large colony of great blue herons next to the Ballard Locks in Seattle. Volunteer hours will be a minimum of once/week, three hours/day over a several-month heron breeding season – approximately early February to early August. No previous experience necessary. We will train.
Heron monitors assist by observing and recording the nesting activity and growth of a 60 + nest heron colony at Commodore Park. Data is recorded by hand onto monitoring forms and then transferred later to Excel spreadsheets. Results are sent to WA Department of Fish and Wildlife and other interested organizations.
Heron Monitor Duties:
• Work outdoors at Commodore Park independently and as part of a team.
• Observe herons in their natural habitat with binoculars and/or telescope as they stage (pre-nest), claim or build nests, court, copulate, incubate and hatch eggs, rear young, and fledge (fly away).
• Record data about activities in each nest on prepared monitoring forms and transfer to shared Excel spreadsheets.
• Attend team meetings as necessary.
Volunteer Qualifications:
• Desire to assist in great blue herons’ survival and growth
• Detail-oriented
• Ability to stand for a few hours at a time in some inclement weather
• Ability to look up at nests about 40’ high in alder trees with binoculars and/or telescope and accurately describe heron nesting activity
• Desire to act as Heron Steward as you monitor – answer public’s questions
• Patience with visitors to Commodore Park
• Flexibility with some dates and hours to volunteer
• Participate in two educational activities for the public
• Basic knowledge of Excel spreadsheets
Please email if you’re interested in this position, or would like more information!!
Saturday Jan. 13, 2018 9:30am – 1:30pm
United Way MLK Day of Service
Please join us in what we believe helps to fulfill Martin Luther King’s belief in service.
The forest in Kiwanis Ravine is maturing slowly, and older alders and maples die of old age while young conifers grow in their place. This is forest succession, an ecological process. Non-native plant species take advantage of gaps to invade, degrading the area’s wildlife habitat value. We seek volunteers to help clear away weeds and spread new mulch to allow native shrubs and trees to grow. No experience necessary! Office, school, and community organizations welcome, and individuals and families.
Through habitat restoration, community outreach, public education and ongoing advocacy, HHH works to ensure the great blue heron continues to thrive throughout the Puget Sound region. We do this because we believe the great blue heron – and other wildlife native to this area – contributes immeasurably to the unique quality of life we enjoy here in the Pacific Northwest.
If you have any questions, please email:
[email protected]
Maintain the Stevens Site
We’re looking for one or two volunteers to work with an HHH team member for three hours once or twice a month doing general weeding and trail maintenance. We can work with your schedule and no experience is necessary. The Stevens Site it at the end of Brygger Drive W, not far from the Shell station at Gov’t Way and 34th Ave W in Magnolia. For more information or to volunteer:
Other Opportunities
If digging in the dirt isn’t your thing but you would love to be involved, there are many other opportunities!
- Public relations – Be the “go to” person for contacting local publications and community organizations telling them of HHH’s accomplishments and activities.
- Become a citizen scientist – Observe and record on the heron colony during nesting season.
- Website guru – Help us keep our website up to date with occasional blog posts and event listings.
- Outreach – Help us organize events, staff a booth at local farmers markets, get groups involved in restoration parties and more.
- We’re open to new ideas – Feel free to contact us with suggestions for events and activities!
For more information about volunteering, please contact [email protected].
Become a “Watchdog” for illegal dumping:
It is illegal to dump yard waste, or any other material, in city ravines and parks. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is in charge of dumping complaints, and they would like to hear about any dumping in Kiwanis Ravine. The phone number is 206-684-7587, or you can do it online at SPU.